Egypt – Lake Nasser with "NileperchHeaven"
Fishery• Fishing• Fishing tours
Aswan dam (Lake Nasser) with its area of 5250 km2 is really great fishing district where you can enjoy the most taking experience ever. It is the home of the biggest freshwater fish - Nile perch (Lates niloticus) which grows up to 200 kg here! Fishermen from all over the world come to visit Aswan dam every year to fight with this carnivorous fish and make them dreams come true.

We offer a unique possibility to participate in a professional fishing safari on the Lake and to take your experience home. We cooperate with the British - Egyptian company Nile perch Heaven and we believe that you will remember your trip for a long time.

After arrival to Aswan you will be transfer to your hotel or board the boat at the lake directly.

Fishing motor boats are 7 metres long. There are two beds in the cab and stowage space for fishermen. You can get sheets and pillows on the mother boat but we recommend using of your own sleeping bags. Fish hunting itself takes place from the boat deck.
The boats are controlled by Nubeans who can speak English and they have long lasting guide experience on the lake.

You have full board on the mother escort ship. A chief prepares local and also international cuisine. You can get fresh fish or a birthday cake if you wish. All beverages and beer is not included in the price and it is available on the mother boat too.

Fish hunting
Fish kinds
The main goal fish to hunt is Nile perch (Lates niloticus). The average weight of these exemplary fish in the safari is about 20-50kg. The biggest Nile perch caught had 176 kg!! According to the survey Nile perch can have a chance to have a record size in the lakes not in the river systems. We are known that there are giant fish in the Lake Nasser. Nile perch is caught with trolling and a na přívlač from the bank.

Another interesting catch is a tigerfish (Hydrocynus forskalii) which can weight about 8kg. The size of Nile perch and on the other hand sportive experience to catch tigerfish with easy tools also brings adrenaline adventure. We hunt for přívlač mainly so tigerfish is sometimes a good catch when you use trolling.

Sheatfish makes a good challenge. There are 18 types in the lake and 2 of them are very important for fishermen – Bargus a legendary Vundu of course. If you get Vundu on the hook we guarantee unforgettable match. Local fishermen talk about pieces they have more than 50 kg. The biggest fish caught had 78lb (35kg).

Another fish hunted for přívlač is tilapia that is very popular among local fishermen. Blowfish that blow their body as a ball and bite are also found there.

Fishing techniques
The basic fishing technique is trolling when a fake fishing lure is drawn behind the boat. Using this method you can explore the biggest part of the lake and a guide can show you the best places to hunt.

Equipment recommended: Rod about 2, 4 metres long with cast load of 200-300g, troll or multiplication with minimum capacity of 250 m on a trace of 0,55mm or plaited string line with minimum load of 40kg. Monofil and fluorocarbon is possible to use as návazce .We recommend quality snap hooks and obratlíky.
If you do not want or you cannot to use your own equipment there is possible to rent local fishing equipment for free. We use troll rots Penn and multiplications Penn GLD30II. The traps can be also hired but their damage or loss must be compensate there.
Fishing lures:
- Rapala Super Shad Rap ( colours Red Head, Shad, Perch, Crawdad, Fire Tiger ,metallic and shining shades)
- Manns Stretch 30+ a 18+
- Musky Big a Little Ernie
- Rapala Magnum CD18 a CD 22
- Rapala X-Rap Magnum
- Butcher Depth Raider
- Big rubber fishing lures

Do not underestimate the power of Nile perch and change lure rings and hooks for more quality ones!

Přívlač from the bank or from the island also offer unforgetable experience especially if you hunt with lighter equipment and that is why good fishermen enjoy fish fighting.

Equipment recommended: Rod 2, 7 – 3m with throwing weight 50-100g, troll or multiplication with capacity of 200m on a trace of 0,40mm or plained string line with weight of 20kg.
Traps: Wobblery, rotating spinners, plandavky and soft rubber traps.
If you would like to fish hunt 24 hours a day you can throw up on položenou for sheatfish. Your equipment should be tough. We use filets or dead fish as fish baits. It is good when you take luncheon meat.

Fishing seasons
Fishing season is divided into 2 terms:
a) Summer season: from the half of March till the end of July we can find Nile perch in flat water because tilapia the main pray is in the phase of spawning. That is the best time of the year for přívlač from the bank. Trolling provides a good sportive experience when using flat fishing lures. We can see a lot of perches at this time but they are smaller than in winter season.
August and September are very hot months at the Lake Nasser. Neither our local guides work at this time.
b) Winter season: from the middle of October till the end of January. The lake reaches the highest point and perches are in deep water. It is not good time for fishing from the bank but if you would like to catch a very big perch with using trolling technique, it is the best time ever.
April, May, October and November are busy months. Book your trip earlier!

We use regular lines of flight travel agencies from Prague or Vienna to Cairo where you transfer to local line to Aswan. There is a local assistant all the time available that helps to arrange visa and check in.
The price of plane tickets are from 14000,-Kč including fees. The price of charter flights are from 9900,-Kč including fees.
Visa to Egypt about 20 USD.
Plane – ticket prices are dependent on free reservation classes in a concrete flight. We recommend booking your flight in earlier time period.
You can also use our on-line reservation system where you can get profitable flight tickets.
The Standard of all safari offered is the same.
Each safari unit includes from 1 to 4 fishing boats and one mother escort ship which operates like a mobile camp and place for rest. There you can use a bathroom, a kitchen and lavatory. Nubian chiefs prepare delicious food and they are great hosts.

We also offer individual safari according to your requirements. The day of departure and arrival is variable, we provide transfers from the Aswan airport or from Luxor airport. (Also possible other Egyptian cities). You can combine fishing safari with a holiday by the sea this way.
The price of one-week fishing safari depends on the number of people on the boat and on a concrete fishing season. The starting price is 18000,-Kč per person.
The price includes:
- Transfers from/to the airport in Egypt
- One night in a three-star hotel in Aswan or Luxor
- Accommodation on the boat
- Guide service
- Permition licence for fishing and entry to Aswan dam
- Full board except beverages

According to your concrete requirement we are able to calculate the price for your safari.