Fishery• Fishing• Fishing tours
Peninsula of Kamchatka was one of the least accessible areas in our planet till the beginning of 90´s. Liberalization of international relations finished an era of Far East isolation.
Americans and Japanesse were the first sportive fishermen there. Nowadays you can meet fishermen from all over the world in Kamchatka. The number of tourists coming to Kamchatka is low but the news about fishing of salmons, fighting rainbow trouts and coloured Dolly varden trouts attract more and more fishermen every year. Nobody knows what will happen in several years.

There are the same coloured salmons in the rivers in Kamchatka as in Alaska: royal - chinook, silver – coho salmon, red - sockeye, pink salmon and chum salmon. The biggest fishermen´s attention has chinook salmons with the weight over 20 kg and elegant coho salmons with the weight from 3 to 7 kg.
The most valuable catch is Rainbow trout that forms two migrant forms in the rivers of Kamchatka. They are known as Oncorhynchus mykiss and stonei (the form of steelhead).They are kinds of fighting fish often hunted for false fly, sometimes for dry one.
In the local rivers there are a lot of different fish you can hunt: graylings, Dolly Varden trout - golec) and Arctic sea dolly varden trout.
Fishermen are not attracted only because of various kinds of fish but the size, fighting and number of catches also invite them. Intact beauty of local countryside, large forests, mountains covered with snow, volcano tops – this is Kamchatka!
Guides and rafting
Our Russian partner is one of the best coordinators with a team of instructors and cooks. We also have a full equipment for a stay in nature. There are people who work in local self-government in a section of fishing. Leaders of Kamchatka company are professionals. Our customers obtain all licences needed for legal sportive fishing. If you are interested we can provide an access close to the rivers that are closed for other visitors.

Mobile character of the camp is necessity because of fish migration and an access to the rivers. Base on our experiences the ideal way to access the rivers is on the rafts. Fishermen have an opportunity to change their fishing district that way and to know a larger part of the river.

Rafts are modern about 4 meter long boats with a construction and paddles that are controlled by an instructor. About 5 people can be in each raft together with some load but we recommend to occupy one with 2 - 3 fishermen.
All our instructors have long-life experience and every year they take part in several competitions and they are members of prominent raft teams. Our guides speak Russian and partly English.

Rafting option
During rafting- fishing, nights in the tents.
Complete equipment of the camp that our Russian partner provides is included:
- Quality tents for two people
- Large cooking tent (cca 6x4 metres)
- Penthouse
- Mobile shower and bathroom
The center of social life in the camp is a cooking tent where meals are served, we discuss about fishing and prepare fishing flies.
It is possible to arrange a bed in a hotel or in thermal spa at the beginning or at the end of the programme.

Stationary camp option
We stay in a stationary tent camp on the river Dalekaja. In each yurt for 2-4 people there are beds and a stove for wood. Cooking tent, mobile shower and a toilet room are available.

On the river Županova there is a possibility to stay in a comfortable fishing camp (lodge) for 10-12 fishermen. Lodging is provided in two-bed rooms in wooden cottages. Restaurant, showers, bathroom and a thermal pool are around.

In the case of staying in a stationary camp or in the fishing camp transfers are provided on motor boats controlled by local guides.
It is possible to arrange a bed in a hotel or in thermal spa at the beginning or at the end of the programme.
A chef prepares meals three times a day and he is presented in every group. All chefs are experienced and in absolute wild they are able to serve delicious and tasty food. You have to ask for a special meals (vegetarian, special diets, allergy,…) in a sufficient advance.
Tea, coffee and fruit drinks are served with each dish. You have to order alcohol and beer in advance. You will pay at the end of your stay.

Several guides go with each group. All of them have long-time experience with a stay in nature, rafting and fishing. According to the weather, fish migration and client wishes guides operate the running of the stay – they plan shifts to the different camps, chose appropriate places for fishing, help their clients to chose right baits and fishing techniques. Our guides speak Russian and partly English.

Fish hunting
Fly fishing and spinning on the rivers
According to the weather and fish migration we hunt these kinds of salmon:
- Chinook (July)
- Sockey - red (August-September)
- Chum salmon (August-September)
- Coho salmon - silver (August-October)
Migrant form of rainbow trout is possible to fish in some rivers in September and October.
It is possible to fish rainbow trouts, graylings and two kinds of dolly varden trouts for almost all the year.

Sportive fishermen use one- hooks without opposite- tip. We practise fishing with a method "catch and release". Fishermen sometimes keep their catches for an immediate consumption. We usually fish from the bank or from the water – it is necessary to have wading trousers. It is possible to fish from lifting boats.

Fishing is possible to provide on several rivers. The most favourite rivers are Bystraja, Karymčina, Plotnikova, Opala, Nemtik, Kolpakova, Dalekaja, Sopočnaja, Mikiža, Kabuška, Stolovaja, Tigil, Kundževaja and Županova.
While Bystraja, Karymčina and partly Opala rivers are accessible in a car, to access other rivers you have to fly in a helicopter. The flight takes about 40 minutes.
Our clients can see native fishermen on the rivers Bystraja, Plotnikova, Karymčina and Opala. To meet people on other rivers is infrequent. All rivers mentioned are good for fly fishing and spining.
We can find all kinds of trouts in some of the rivers. Some miss rainbow trouts but arctic sea dolly varden trout is strongly represented.

Next programme
It is possible to change a fishing programme if the group requires. We can add a visit of vulcano, thermal spa etc.
Regular flights from Prague or Vienna to Petropavlovsko. Transfers in minibuses or in off-road cars to the rivers.
Some rivers are accessible only in helicopter (see river descriptions).

Plane – ticket prices are dependent on free reservation classes in a concrete flight. We recommend booking your flight in earlier time period.
You can also use our on-line reservation system where you can get profitable flight tickets.
Terms of stays in Kamchatka are available from July to October or according to client´s requests.
Some tours are set up only for clients from the Czech and Slovak republic. Fishermen from USA, Great Britain or Scandinavia participate on other tours.
The cost of the stay depends on a selection of the river and necessity to use helicopter. The concrete price we are able to calculate depending on your requirements.
Next prices:
- days of rafting on the river Bystraja - 42.000 Kč
- of rafting on the river Opala - 70.000 Kč
- of rafting on the river Mikiža - 84.000 Kč
- of rafting on the river Kundževaja - 62.000 Kč
- of rafting on the river Kabuška - 94.000 Kč
- of rafting on the river Dalekaja or Tigil - 92.000 Kč
- of rafting on the river Dalekaja – stationary camping - 110.000 Kč *
- of rafting on the river Županova – stationary camping - 120.000 Kč *
Included in the price:
- Meeting clients at the airport.
- Transport from Petropavlovsko (from the airport) to the river and back.
- night in a hotel or in a thermal spa.
- Relevant numbers of nights at the river with a full board service.
- Local guide service.
- Lending of quality tents, sleeping pads, waterproof bags and rafting equipment, fishing ticket.
* In the price of stationary camps there are transfers on the motorboats instead od rafts.
It is not included in the cost:
- Flight ticket Prague-Petropavlovsk-Prague. It costs about 20.000 Kč including fees.
- Tourist visa to Russia is about 1.800 Kč.
- Beverages and beer (it is possible to buy in the place of the stay for common Czech prices - 1 beer cca 30 Kč, 0,5 l vodka - cca 200 Kč, 0,7 l of vine cca 350 Kč)